Elevate Your Patients’ Wellness
Quickly Profit from Lucrative New Revenue Stream
Contour Light Red Light Therapy:
The Most In-Demand Treatment Today
You’ve carefully built trusted therapeutic relationships with the patients and clients in your practice. Enhance their wellness experience by adding Contour Light commercial red light therapy to your menu of services.
This highly sought-after treatment fully complements your current wellness offerings, and gives your client a noticeable boost towards the health goals you are working with them to achieve.
30 Minute-Non-Invasive Therapy
That Helps Your Patients and Your Practice Flourish
People seeking vibrant health and wellness
are drawn to the latest technologies and treatments.
Are your patients asking,
“What else should I be doing to achieve my best health?”
Your loyal patients and clients will value exploring enhanced wellness offerings
in your practice in addition to the care they already receive from you.
And many more health-minded people actively seeking red light therapy
will be excited to meet you as new patients and clients.
How Medical-Grade Red Light Therapy BENEFITS Your Patients
Get rapid relief from arthritis, minor pain, muscle spasms and stiffness
Experience immediate and noticeable reduction in inches to the hips, waist and thighs
Quick Relief of Joint Stiffness
Increase mobility and alleviate stiffness in knees, ankles, hips and wrists
Provide relaxation, recovery, and relief to over-worked and strained muscles
Increased Blood Circulation
Restore healthy cell function throughout the body by increasing blood circulation
Increase production of collagen and elastin in the skin to diminish lines, wrinkles, and scars, while enhancing advanced healing at the cellular level
How Commercial Red Light Therapy BENEFITS Your Practice
New Client
Contour Light commercial red light therapy is one of the most sought after treatments in the health and wellness arena. Welcome consistent new business as many health-minded people seek this remarkably effective red light treatment
Create ‘Wellness-Added’ Revenue
Loyal long-time patients and clients trust and value your recommendations to help further their health goals. Contour Light red light therapy is non-invasive, non-pharmaceutical, and proven to be highly effective. Your patients will love what it does for them and you will love the revenue it provides your practice.
No Additional Staff Required
The Contour Light 30-minute therapy sessions can be administered by any member of your staff after a brief and easy training
Utilize Existing Space
Monetize beds and unused treatment areas with the simple, portable, turnkey set-up of the Contour Light System
No Additional License or Certification Necessary
You and your staff can administer Contour Light treatments without additional licensing or certifications.
Practitioners Throughout the Health and Wellness Field Are Seeing Great Success
With the Contour Light Red Light Therapy System
These wellness professionals have recouped the cost of their Contour Light systems quickly, some in as little as one month, and have added a valuable revenue stream without adding extra treatment rooms or personnel.

Chiropractors / Acupuncture
Chiropractors / Acupuncture
Med Spa / Wellness Clinic
Med Spa / Wellness Clinic
Weight Loss and Fitness
Weight Loss and Fitness
Physical Therapy / Massage Therapy
Physical Therapy / Massage Therapy
Women's Health and Wellness
Women's Health and Wellness
Beauty / Aesthetics
Beauty / Aesthetics
Contour Light:
The Only FDA Cleared Pad-Based Red Light Therapy System
Contour Light is FDA-Cleared for body contouring (circumference reduction), temporary pain relief from arthritis as well as muscle and joint pain, and increased blood circulation. Further, we intend to seek clearance for the following: skin rejuvenation, inflammation reduction, accelerated healing, immune system rebalancing, and brain-related issues.
Add Contour Light to Your Practice
with Full Confidence and Solid Credibility:
FDA Cleared
Fully vetted by independent laboratory clinical study
Proven Effective for multiple indications
No additional licensing, staff, or space required
Great ROI
Contour Light:
The human body needs light to be healthy and flourish.
Over the last many decades the vast majority of us have been living more and more of our lives indoors and out of the beneficial and life giving effects of sunlight.
Of particular importance, the red light and near infrared light on the electromagnetic spectrum of light emitted by the sun, is bioactive in humans, meaning it literally positively affects our cells.
LED and near infrared light, in proven clinical therapeutic the wavelengths of 635nm and 880nm utilized in the Contour Light system, directly affect the mitochondria in our cells to stimulate increased cellular energy production (ATP). This allows the mitochondria, the powerhouses of energy in our cells, to carry out their purpose of cleaning, detoxifying and energizing cells from start to natural finish.
The human body needs light
to be healthy and flourish.
Over the last many decades the vast majority of us have been living more and more of our lives indoors and out of the beneficial and life giving effects of sunlight.
Of particular importance, the red light and near infrared light on the electromagnetic spectrum of light emitted by the sun, is bioactive in humans, meaning it literally positively affects our cells.
LED and near infrared light, in proven clinical therapeutic wavelengths of 635nm and 880nm utilized in the Contour Light system, directly affect the mitochondria in our cells to stimulate increased cellular energy production (ATP). This allows the mitochondria, the powerhouses of energy in our cells, to carry out their purpose of cleaning, detoxifying and energizing cells from start to natural finish.
Welcome Patients in,
and Start Treatment
in Less Than 5 Minutes
Practitioners love Contour Light because the only staff requirement is starting and ending the treatment session. Patients can relax unattended during sessions that can be offered either as a stand-alone treatment or in conjunction with other services you already offer.
Ensure Patient Comfortability
Instruct patient to wear 2-piece swimsuit or speedo attire for the best close-to-skin light absorption. Invite them to lay on a treatment table in a private and quiet room.
Apply the Contour Light to the patient
For maximum results, wrap the flexible red light pads around the target areas of the patient’s body, and place the mask over the face and chest area. Goggles recommended.
Set Timer, Push Start, and Go
Set treatment time (25-30 minutes) then attend to other patients or business while your patient relaxes and luxuriates in the benefits of their red light treatment.
Need Multiple Devices
or Setting Up Multiple Practices?
Practitioners are reinventing their businesses and practices centered around
Contour Light red light therapy.
Talk with Joe Martin about discounted volume sales.
What Practitioners
Say About Contour Light Benefits

"We’ve been in practice for over 30 years. We were basically just looking for a new stream of revenue, another way to bring in clients, and we did a lot of research. Yours, the Contour Light, was obvious the most proven with awesome results. So we went ahead and pulled the trigger. We use the Contour Light for everything: weight management, pain management, skin rejuvenation and smaller things that come with all of that. The patients love the Contour Light treatments. It’s super relaxing and usually they are so excited for their appointments. Sometimes I have to wake them up!”
Total Health

"Without making any claims of cures, I can honestly say that patients who came in for Contour Light treatments with rheumatoid arthritis pain have experienced pain reduction on a regular basis. Those who came in with painful shoulders or knees from injuries left with significant pain reduction which continued to improve with repeated treatments."
Dr. Mary Mees, LAC, DAOM (Provider)
Central Coast Light Therapy | Avila, CA

“It’s super easy to administer, it really takes little to no experience to be a red light therapy practitioner, but it does take some experience and learning to explain it and sell it and I have learned so much from that. I really enjoy that part of it. It’s so scientific and it’s fun to help people understand how this is so effective. The patients love the Contour Light treatments. It’s super relaxing and usually they are so excited for their appointments. Sometimes I have to wake them up!”
Total Health

"We have only had the system a few months but it is already paying for itself.
Our clients at Aesthetics Medical Spa love the Contour Light! We have only had the system a few months but it is already paying for itself. Existing patients are purchasing packages to try it out and new patients are calling in for body contouring, cellulite reduction, detoxification and seasonal depression support. It provides a nice boost to our weight loss program as well. Very good investment.”
Aesthetics Medical Spa | Hendersonville,NC

“Patients with anxiety and depression have reported an improved sense of wellbeing and energy. These are only a few of the many benefits that I have noticed through my patients (and in my own self). Contour Light provides another level of care for this acupuncture practice, a complementary component for the total holistic healing of every patient.”
Dr. Mary Mees, LAC, DAOM (Provider)
Central Coast Light Therapy | Avila, CA

"One of my patients has done three rounds of sessions (36 treatments over 3 months). I don’t even think we know the number of pounds she lost, but she has lost over 15 inches.
When she comes into the office now she looks so good, slimmer, and feels so great. She says she gets so many compliments. She was finally able to lose inches in her hips and legs where she just couldn’t for more than 20 years. She feels so much more energy, is happier. She said, “This just improved my whole quality of life so much.”"

“Over a period of about 3 months, I lost over 60 lbs. while pairing my diet with Contour Light red light therapy. Absolutely no loose skin!”

“After years of trying before, I was finally able to lose fat and inches in my butt and legs using the Contour Light.”

"After years of not knowing how to fix my knee pain, it was better after only 3 sessions with the Contour Light.”

“We paid our Contour Light unit off in 6 months with me working only 2 days a week and serving only our current patients, no outside marketing. Now that our current patients have had a chance to try it, we are ready to reach out to outside of our clientele.”

"Dr. Goshorn was able to not only pay off the first Contour Light system in two weeks, he was able to pay cash for a second system two weeks later.
“Dr. Charles Goshorn had an open house to introduce his Contour Light system to his clients at his clinic in Webster, NY a few years ago. He offered a discounted 10-session package and sold so many packages that he was able to not only pay off the first Contour Light system in two weeks, he was able to pay cash for a second system two weeks later.”
Goshorn Chiropractic and Wellness Center | Webster, NY

"Contour Light truly works!
“I can honestly say we would not have made it through COVID without being able to sell Contour Light Services. Our patients come in looking for a solution and leave with a smile on their face because they have found something that truly works.”
Amazing Wellness and Chiropractic | Naples, FL

"After using Contour Light red light therapy, my shoulder finally has full range of motion.”

"The Contour Light Red Light Therapy system is doing a great job helping to ease the pain of depression, Fibromyalgia, and arthritis in our patients. We use the Contour Light as comfort and restorative therapy for our patients who have depression and autoimmune diseases, to help their bodies and minds feel better.”
Quantum Energetics /Chelsea, SD

""I had two 20-minute Contour Light treatments, and by the end of the day of the second treatment, the pain was gone, gone, gone.
I woke up unable to move without sharp stabbing pains in my lower right back. In an effort to stop the pain, I had a 20-minute Contour Light treatment that morning, and later that day I realized the pain had subsided nearly 50%. A few days later I had another 20-minute Contour Light treatment, and by the end of that day, the pain was gone, gone, gone. When the first searing stab of pain hit me like a ton of bricks, I went straight for a Contour Light treatment, and the outcome was even better and faster than I ever imagined. I am dancing a dance of joy!”

"The Contour Light System has been tremendously helpful to all of our clients who use it.
“Thanks again, so much, for creating this equipment, performing the trials, getting FDA clearance, and offering such a boost to people on weight loss journeys. The Contour Light System has been tremendously helpful to all of our clients who use it. So much so, in fact, that we are contemplating adjusting pricing and adding it as a standard inclusion for all our local weight loss clients because it makes such a difference.”
Evolve 180 Weight loss -Bellevue, WA

"Our whole business model is centered around the Contour Light delivery system for body sculpting, reduced pain, increased blood flow-these are just the FDA cleared items.
We are a boutique wellness fitness concept and each of our client sessions starts with a spa treatment using the Contour Light. I get chills and sometimes tears in my eyes on daily basis…we have clients with fibromyalgia and pain who now have stopped taking their pain meds and are able to sleep. We have one client who lost 25 lbs. in our first 2 months of being open with Contour Light red light therapy sessions only. "
Owner of the Red Lite Method Franchise | Bentonville, AK

"We paid off our Contour Light System in 6 months with me working only two days a week while serving only our current patients. There’s a need for this."

"We make Contour Light part of our clients’ health protocol. The new trend of fitness is Wellness and we are super excited to be part of this movement with Contour Light Red Light Therapy.
“We have a client who had a spot on her face that her dermatologist would not remove for fear of scarring, that after a month of Contour Light session, it was gone. We have some clients with diabetic neuropathy in their feet, one gentlemen in particular who was unable to walk. We’ve been able to wrap his feet with the flexible pads and he is able to walk again without pain, and able to feel. The nerves get regenerated with red light therapy.”
Owner of the Red Lite Method Franchise | Bentonville, AK

"I used the Contour Light 3 times a week for a month. After the first week, I noticed my clothing was getting loose. I needed new clothing because all my clothes were sagging. I would recommend it to anyone desiring a change in their shape and willing to follow the protocols. It’s been well worth it!”

"I saw immediate results after just two 20 minute sessions! I lost a total of 4.5 inches around my stomach and waist, and the device allowed for a very relaxing and soothing experience. I absolutely loved the Contour Light System and can't wait for my next treatment!”

"I received 12 treatments with the Contour Light over the course of about 6 weeks. Not only did I lose inches to the point where my clothes were loose, the best thing was how it improved my cellulite. I can wear a bathing suit again without feeling self-conscious about my legs!”

"The Contour Light system is amazing. Within the first two treatments, I noticed that my skin was becoming more firm and smooth. The light helped me loose inches and also tightened my skin, making me look much younger!”

"I noticed a difference in my son’s acne after just one treatment!”

"After a few sessions with the Contour Light, the cottage cheese on my thighs is almost gone, and most of my wrinkles have smoothed out.”
Frequently Asked Questions
The Contour Light pad delivery system allows the direct application of therapeutic red and near infrared lights onto the skin and into the body. We recommend patients wear a two-piece bathing suit, speedo or boxers attire for best results. The patient lies on a treatment table, and the pads are typically placed on the back, legs, abdomen, and arms.
The face mask is placed arching over the face and chest area. Goggles can be worn to protect their eyes.
When the light stimulates the cell mitochondria, and they begin to generate energy in the cells, the patient will feel a warming effect.
The pads themselves do not emit heat; the warmth is primarily generated by the body.
Many patients describe it as comforting and calming. A session can last up to 30-minutes, giving the patient time to relax and even nap.
Yes. The light emitted by the Contour Light device is cool, and it does not generate excessive heat, so it will not burn or damage the tissue. However, the light is very bright, and patients should shield their eyes with goggles if using the face mask. Short glances at the light will not harm the eyes, but staring at the light should be avoided.
Yes. The Contour Light System is FDA-cleared for use as a non-invasive dermatological aesthetic treatment for body contouring (reduction of circumference of the hips, waist and thighs).
The Contour Light is also FDA-cleared for the relief of minor muscle and joint pain, arthritis, and muscle spasms, relieving stiffness, promoting the relaxation of muscle tissue, and increasing local blood circulation.
Beware of other red light therapies that are not cleared by the FDA. Practitioners using Contour Light can have confidence that it has been fully vetted in an independent lab clinical study and the FDA has cleared this product for the indications listed.
The Contour Light Device can be administered by anyone on your team after watching a less than 5 minute how-to video or following the written instructions.
Other than your State issued business license in the health related arena, there is no specific license, credential, certification or formal training required to own and operate the Contour Light.
Many practitioners love that they do not need extra staff or extra space to administer treatments to patients.
Contour Light offers a 3 year manufacturers warranty with options for one year extensions after the 3 year period. Under warranty we will cover the cost for shipping and repair or replacement of any component that is not working properly, excluding obvious abuse and damage.
Yes. We have helped practitioners across a wide wellness spectrum with purchases for either multiple units at one facility or single units at multiple locations and in franchises. To discuss multi-unit purchases, contact Joe Martin at jmartin@contourlightdevices.com or (949) 234-6297
Yes. The Contour Light team has dedicated marketing programs available, and many highly successful practices utilize Contour Light marketing services to educate people and quickly drive new business.
Though the results from Contour Light will vary from person to person based on nutrition, activity, healthy lifestyle, and frequency of treatment, the reported outcomes have been remarkable. These include noticeable inches lost, pain reduced or gone, skin smoother, markedly more energy and better mood just to name a few.
The generally recommended treatment protocol includes: 10, 12 or 16 sessions (administered every 2-3 days over a period of 3 -6 weeks) with periodic tune-ups following.
Explore the Benefits
of Contour Light Systems
Is Contour Light Therapy Safe?
As a wellness practitioner, your clients’ safety is your top priority. Introducing new therapies into your practice involves careful consideration and research. So, is Contour Light therapy safe? The answer is a very clear “yes,” backed by extensive research, clinical … Read More
Red Light Therapy vs. Infrared Sauna: What Are The Differences?
If you’re looking to bring in a new revenue stream for your wellness facility, the key is to offer diverse treatment options to attract new clients and build word of mouth. Among the top trending treatment options, red light therapy … Read More
How Chiropractors Can Use Red Light Therapy
Chiropractors are uniquely positioned to revolutionize how they support patient recovery and wellness by integrating red light therapy into their practice. This advanced therapy, known for its effectiveness in promoting healing and reducing inflammation, offers a complementary tool that fits … Read More
Join Other Successful Practices Offering Contour Light
Discover how easy it is to provide this non-invasive, sought-out treatment for body contouring and pain management, FDA-cleared and backed by clinical studies
Contour Light: We Can Set You Up For Success
Discover how easy it is to provide this non-invasive, sought-out treatment for body contouring and pain management, FDA-cleared and backed by clinical studies