In addition to treatments like fat reduction and skin rejuvenation, we have also seen great success in the use of Red Light Therapy for pain management and inflammation reduction. Patients who receive Red Light Therapy for pain management have reported significant improvement in their chronic pain levels after just a few treatment sessions, some after even a single treatment.
The Science Behind Red Light Therapy for Pain Management
Red Light Therapy affects the body on a cellular level. According to the Cleveland Clinic, Red Light Therapy works “by acting on the ‘power plant’ in your body’s cells called mitochondria. With more energy, cells can do their work more efficiently.”
The Contour Light System was designed with this knowledge in mind – featuring a clinically proven combination of 635nm and 880nm wavelengths to improve blood and lymphatic circulation, thus reducing inflammation and cleansing the body of free radicals, as cited by numerous studies. Patients who experience constant pain from inflammation, arthritis, and more have seen results in as little as one 30-minute session with the Contour Light System.
What Kinds of Pain Can be Treated with Red Light Therapy?
Though there aren’t many drug-free options to help with chronic pain management, Red Light Therapy has proven time and again to be highly effective with no side effects. It is a completely natural process that prompts the lymphatic system to detoxify the body more effectively, noticeably reducing inflammation, which in turn relieves pain and discomfort. Through this process, your patients can find relief from Osteoarthritis, Tendinitis, and other inflammatory diseases, as well as joint and muscle pain.
To learn more about how Red Light Therapy can benefit your arthritis patients, check out this blog post.
The Contour Light System is Ideal for Patients with Chronic Pain
Not all Red Light Therapy devices are created equally. We recommend the Contour Light System, specifically for your patients with chronic pain, because this system was built with comfort in mind. Treatments with the Contour Light System are non-invasive and pain-free. The device is equipped with large, flexible pads that wrap comfortably around most of the body and are ideal for targeted treatment. Sessions are short and effective due to the proprietary reflective coating on the pads, allowing for maximum light absorption.
The Contour Light System is FDA-Cleared for the temporary relief of minor muscle and joint pain, arthritis, muscle spasms, relieving stiffness, promoting the relaxation of muscle tissue, and the temporary increase of local blood circulation. Your patients can rest easy knowing that they are in safe hands while using the Contour Light System.
People who deal with chronic pain deserve a comfortable treatment solution. Offer Red Light Therapy for pain management with Contour Light and witness the positive impact it has on your patients and your practice.
For more information about The Contour Light System and how to introduce it to your practice, contact us today.
You can also watch this video to hear about the device from its creator, Douglas Dreier.