Downtime… It’s great for all of us. 

It markedly improves our physical and mental wellbeing and provides us with many wonderful memories and stories to share. We relish our long weekends, Holiday Mondays, and vacations. Heck, we’ve even enjoyed looking forward to a ‘stay-cation’. It’s a much needed time to recharge our batteries, clear our heads and remind ourselves that there is more to life than working, commuting, and trying to make ends meet. 

In these unique times, downtime takes on a different feel. But as we move towards some version of life as we know it, and begin to resurrect or ramp up our businesses and practices again, we need to make every space and minute work for us and our patients and clients. Though downtime can generally be good for us, it is not so much a great thing for leased office space.

Contour Light offers great health benefits for your people while maximizing office space, increasing revenue for you.

Many Contour Light current and future customers have two, three, and maybe four exam or treatment rooms in their facilities. Each one of those dedicated treatment rooms are part of the monthly rent, and any time those rooms are in use it positively impacts the bottom line. Conversely, when those billable spaces are not being utilized, it is an opportunity lost for income earned.

For example, consider a 1,500 square foot office space in which:

700 square feet is used for the reception area and storage

200 square feet is used for private offices

600 square feet is used for a total of 3 exam/treatment rooms 

The exam/treatment rooms, which make up roughly 1/3 of the office space is making your rent or mortgage payment.  Any time one of those rooms isn’t in use only adds to the need for the other spaces to pick up the slack.  And as fixed costs the reception area, offices, and storage can’t add anything to the coffers.

Maximizing office space utilization is important to your business. And it probably means adding another source of revenue to the business model. The key is to minimize the costs associated with a new service offering. You can’t add more space or dedicate a room to a single-use (e.g. a tanning bed, or large stationary equipment). And it shouldn’t require additional headcount either. The treatment apparatus needs to be highly useful, moved easily from one room to another, require minimal space when not in use, and do more than just ‘break-even’ after its fixed costs are factored in.

The Contour Light System, the latest technology in red light and near infrared light therapy, is an ideal candidate in this situation. Among the remarkable results and numerous treatment benefits, it is easy to administer, highly mobile, compact, affordable, and quickly profitable for your business or practice.

Easy to Administer – Contour Light does not require special licensing or extensive training.  A 30-minute treatment session can be completed without the need for you or your staff to be present beyond the initial set up and removal of the pads. While the system is in use you can tend to other clients and your staff can complete their other daily tasks with minimal interruption.

Highly Mobile – The Contour Light system’s specially designed, highly functional, and sturdy cart moves about your offices on a 5 wheeled platform that glides over hard and carpeted surfaces with great ease. The cart can be locked in place with a simple touch of your foot on one of the casters.

Compact – The controller, power supply, all 6 pads, facemask, and associated cords are all contained on the cart and intuitively positioned for easy access. When not in use the system requires no more space than a small water cooler dispenser, it can be tucked away inconspicuously in the corner of any room and presents in a professional manner.

Affordable – The Contour Light was engineered with affordability in mind. A new service offering is only of value to your business if the initial cost or monthly payment is not exorbitant, and the revenue it can potentially bring in is quickly profitable. Practitioners who currently use the Contour Light System in their businesses, tend to sell several multi-session packages in a month and quickly pay off the unit. However, even if a practitioner sold one single 10 treatment package plan of $1,000 each month it will provide a payback of the entire system in just over 2 years. And depending on the term of a lease to own contract, the Contour Light can generate a 54% return on investment (ROI).

Profitable – As indicated above, the ROI potential is exceptional. If two 10 treatment packages of $1,000 are sold the ROI can increase to over 200%, and increase exponentially with each package sold. Once the system is paid in full every treatment package dollar goes straight to the bottom line. It is important to note that several of our customers have paid off their Contour Light systems within a few months, and others in a few weeks. We provide you with tools for marketing your Contour Light system to your target clientele, to not only draw in your current people for added health benefits but new clients and patients as well.

Safety Measures in These Unique TimesWe take your safety and that of your clients and patients very seriously. We know that people have experienced varying feelings of unease about going in for medical or health-related treatments because of concerns of Covid-19. But we also know that with thoughtful protective measures, your clients and patients can feel secure in knowing that they can get back to accessing great care for the health and wellbeing. We really understand this and quickly responded by designing and offering our Extra Protection Package. We now offer single-use plastic covers for the Contour Light pads, and an easy to clean shield for the face mask to create a highly hygienic experience for each of your clients.

Back to Business—Office space downtime doesn’t have to be a hidden drain on your business if you add a highly beneficial service product for your current and potential new customers. The Contour Light System can be that service without dramatically impacting your day to day routine. But most importantly, Contour Light, the superbly designed red light therapy delivery system, will provide your clients with numerous health benefits. Thousands of clinical studies have shown the benefits of red light therapy, including body contouring and fat reduction, skin rejuvenation, pain relief, and inflammation reduction, an overall boost to circulatory, respiratory, and lymphatic systems, and rebalancing of the immune system for a healthy response. The FDA Cleared, Contour Light System can make all the difference for your people, and especially now, in your business. For more information about the benefits of Contour Light visit the website at:

Contour Light is the most advanced red light and near infrared therapy system available for the professional and clinical settings.

For more information please visit the website at:
Feel free to contact us directly at:
(949) 899-7932 or


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