Ongoing stressors of everyday life and food on the go often leave people with extra weight and low energy. Even those who eat healthy, exercise regularly, and do all the right things still struggle with pockets of extra fat in places they can’t seem to lose. Contour Light, the latest in cutting edge red light therapy technology, is here to help. Red light therapy has proven in clinical studies to help patients and clients lose measurable inches of fat quickly. How?
In short, red light and near infrared light therapy penetrates the skin, stimulates mitochondria and liquefies fat, while energizing and cleansing the cells. The lipids and toxins are then released from the cells into the lymphatic system where they are eliminated through naturals channels such as perspiration and urine. The results are remarkable. The photos below show the before and after images of patients and clients who have used Contour Light for the recommended 10-12 sessions over a period of a few weeks.
Why Red Light Therapy?
There are a number of treatments on the market that provide body sculpting. The two most common are red light therapy and cool sculpting. The benefits of using red light therapy versus cool sculpting are many.
Cool Sculpting, though effective at eliminating fat, freezes and kills cells, is uncomfortable, results in temporary pain and swelling, is expensive, and requires a trained, hands-on technician to operate.
Conversely, red light and near infrared light therapy, as in Contour Light in the 635 nm and 880nm range, works with the body’s own natural systems. It stimulates mitochondria to create healthy cell energy that liquefies and eliminates fat from the cells, as well as tightening and smoothing the skin by triggering the production of collagen and elastin. While red light therapy reduces fat and rejuvenates the skin, it also reduces inflammation and rebalances the immune system at the same time.
Contour Light is an affordable, relaxing, comfortable, easy to operate system that requires about one minute of training and no hands-on clinician.
Why Contour Light?
The Contour Light System, for professional use only, has a versatile soft pad style design, including 4 large pads, 2 small pads, and a face mask that all cover the majority of the body for an all at once treatment of 30 minutes. With its proprietary reflective coating, it provides the strongest and most effective red light therapy in the industry. It is simple to operate and time effective, providing a welcome benefit to both practitioners and their clientele.
Health and wellness practitioners and professionals in the beauty industry across North America are utilizing Contour Light in their practices and businesses, adding a great benefit to their people and a lucrative stream of income.
Contour Light is the most advanced red light and near infrared therapy system available for the professional and clinical settings.
For more information please visit the website at:
Feel free to contact us directly at:
(949) 899-7932 or
Caruso-Davis MK, GuillotTS, Podichetty VK, Mashtalir N, Dhurandhar O, Yu Y, Greenway FLEfficacy of low-level light therapy for body contouring and spot fat reduction;
Wunsch, Alexander, and Karsten Matuschka.
“A Controlled Trial to Determine the Efficacy of Red and Near-Infrared Light Treatment in Patient Satisfaction, Reduction of Fine Lines, Wrinkles, Skin Roughness, and Intradermal Collagen Density Increase.” NCBI, Photomed Laser Surg, 1 Feb. 2014;