One of the most common uses for Red Light Therapy (RLT) is body contouring/circumference reduction. Those who have sought out this treatment can see significant results shortly after starting treatments, depending on the quality of RLT device they use. We are proud to say that the Contour Light System was designed to produce optimal results in fewer sessions than any other RLT device on the market.
Restoration Wellness: “Adding the Contour Light System Has Only Grown Our Business.”
Restoration Wellness out of Rochester, New York sent us this video to explain how the Contour Light System has positively impacted their weight loss program. Since purchasing the device, they have seen growth in their client base, been able to provide new services for their existing clients, and seen a greater percentage of their clients meet and even exceed their weight loss goals.
Perhaps the most exciting and telling part of their testimonial is the fact that within the first month of purchasing the Contour Light System, the ROI was nearly instantaneous and they were able to purchase a second device to better serve their growing client base. We are excited for the future of Restoration Wellness and to see more success stories with their Contour Light System!
Evolve 180 Weight Loss: “The Contour Light System has been tremendously helpful to all of our clients.”
Evolve 180 Weight Loss out of Bellevue, Washington shared their thoughts on the Contour Light System with us.
“Thanks again, so much, for creating this equipment, performing the trials, getting FDA clearance, and offering such a boost to people on weight loss journeys. The Contour Light System has been tremendously helpful to all of our clients who use it. So much so, in fact, that we are contemplating adjusting pricing and adding it as a standard inclusion for all our local weight loss clients because it makes such a difference.” – Sherene
Body Contouring with the Contour Light System
When you understand the science behind body contouring with Red Light Therapy, it’s easy to see why the Contour Light System is perfectly designed for circumference reduction.
Red Light Therapy works on a cellular level – fat cells shrink in size when specific wavelengths of red light (635nm) and near infrared light (880nm) are absorbed into the cell and stimulate the mitochondria to clean house.
Through this process, additional energy and adenosine triphosphate are generated and distributed throughout the rest of the cell allowing for the fat to melt and be released into the lymphatic system. It is then flushed out of the body naturally leaving your patients with a pain-free, non-invasive fat loss solution.
What makes the Contour Light System so effective is the structure of the machine. We built the device with flexible pads of varying sizes that are embedded with surface mount microchip LEDs and covered in our proprietary reflective coating. This coating and the close contact with the skin that the soft pads allow are ideal for maximum light absorption and quicker results. You can learn more about body contouring with Contour Light here.
Read more reviews and discover what sets Contour Light apart from other Red Light Therapy devices in this blog post.
Contour Light Devices
For more information about how Contour Light supports our practitioners, particularly our affordable, custom designed Done For You Marketing Program visit our website. You can also learn more about the different applications of the Contour Light System here. We partner across many industries like: Beauty and Aesthetics, Weight Loss Clinics, Women’s Health, Massage Therapy and Physical Therapy, Chiropractors and Acupuncturists, and Med Spa / Wellness Center.