If you’re looking to bring in a new revenue stream for your wellness facility, the key is to offer diverse treatment options to attract new clients and build word of mouth. Among the top trending treatment options, red light therapy and infrared saunas stand out for their unique benefits and applications. This blog addresses red light therapy vs. infrared sauna, providing clarity on which technology best complements your facility’s treatment offerings.


What is Red Light Therapy?

Red light therapy is a game-changer for facilities aiming to offer non-invasive, scientifically-backed treatments. Contour Light’s FDA-cleared devices provide a versatile tool for addressing a wide range of client needs, from body contouring to pain relief. Red light therapy offers a targeted approach to wellness and aesthetics. Its ability to stimulate collagen production, reduce inflammation, and promote fat loss positions it as a preferred choice for clients seeking visible, lasting results.

Its ability to stimulate collagen production, reduce inflammation, and promote fat loss positions it as a preferred choice for clients seeking visible, lasting results. 


What is an Infrared Sauna?

Infrared saunas create a soothing, detoxifying experience by heating the body from within. This gentle yet effective heat therapy supports detoxification and relaxation and can even aid in weight loss. However, it’s important to note that while infrared saunas offer a broad range of wellness benefits, they do not provide the targeted treatments possible with red light therapy.

Red light therapy may offer a more suitable solution for facilities focused on specific aesthetic goals or therapeutic outcomes as part of your treatment plan.


The Difference between Red Light Therapy and Infrared Sauna

Both red light therapy and infrared saunas offer significant health benefits, from skin rejuvenation to improved circulation. However, their operational mechanisms and their specific advantages can vary greatly. As a facility considering these options, understanding these differences is crucial for tailoring your services to meet client expectations and achieve optimal outcomes.


  • Red Light Therapy: This technology uses specific wavelengths of light to penetrate the skin and stimulate cellular activity beneath the surface. It’s particularly effective for enhancing skin health, promoting fat loss, and aiding muscle recovery. Contour Light’s red light therapy devices bring a broad range of benefits directly to the cellular level, offering a targeted approach without heating the surrounding air. 
  • Infrared Sauna: Unlike red light therapy, infrared saunas heat the body directly using infrared lamps. This process induces a deep sweat at lower temperatures than traditional saunas, aiming to detoxify the body and relieve stress. While infrared saunas offer a more generalized wellness experience through heat, they lack red light therapy’s targeted, cellular-level treatment capabilities. This makes them a great option for overall wellness and relaxation but less so for specific aesthetic or therapeutic outcomes.


Offer Contour Light Red Light Therapy as Part of Your Treatment Plans

Incorporating Contour Light red light therapy into your facility’s offerings diversifies your revenue stream and introduces a scientifically-backed trending new treatment offering to your facility. As the only pad-based, FDA-cleared device in its category, Contour Light sets your services apart, ensuring your clients have access to the latest light therapy technology. With Contour Light, you can offer personalized treatments that cater to a wide range of client needs, ensuring satisfaction and fostering loyalty.


Explore the potential of red light therapy with Contour Light and improve your facility’s offerings to meet the growing demand for innovative, non-invasive wellness solutions. Contact Joe Martin directly for more information about multiplying your practice revenue with the Contour Light System. You can also watch this video going over the benefits of red light therapy to hear about the device from its creator, Douglas Dreier.

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